Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How do other families do this?

We've often wondered "how do other families do this?" and by this I mean, have meals at home.  The cooking, eating, grocery shopping.  This stuff takes time people!  And with two kids, time comes at a premium.  We are a family that loves food.  We like to talk about it, eat it, photograph it.  We are also a little nutty when it comes to trying to eat and cook healthy-- which means trying to avoid overly processed foods and buying whole foods.  

So, for us it came down to doing the big cook.  Cooking on weekends, so that there is minimal "prep" during the week and a real dinner can actually make it to the table.  Hot even.  

Oh yes, and gohan dada is reminding me that this makes for less mess/clean up during the week as far as dinner dishes go.  And that makes gohan dada a happier dada.  Another bonus for sure.

Stay tuned for weekly posts of Menus/Grocery Lists so you too can get your "Big Cook" on.  

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